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African Animals Colouring Page

The other day our internet was down so I decided to spend some time drawing. I’ve been thinking about creating some cute colouring in pages for kids so here is my first one. They are a work in progress so I might rework this one but I wanted to get started and post this as I have a lot of ideas which often don’t get past the planning or initial drawing stages. I've heard a lot of creatives say, it's not a lack of ideas that is the problem, it’s taking an idea from start the finish and completing a project that can be the problem. So here is something that isn’t perfect but I think is still cute and will hopefully be fun to colour in.

You can download the page here.

Just print it in black and white and have fun colouring and naming the animals.

Let me know in the comments or on social media if you download this and have fun colouring it in with your little ones. Happy Tuesday friends.

These PDFs are not for resale.

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